Dig the new vibe in Oneroa


A few barrels up and down the main street in Oneroa are just the sign of things to come for the ingenious crew at Love Oneroa.

Their collective efforts have already brought a lick of paint to the fence up by the CAB and the refurbishment of the bench but it was the advent of their guerrilla gardeners on Monday night that has started to add some real colour to the island’s main shopping drawcard.

So what’s it all in aid of? Well, this weekend’s expect Labour Day crowds are also to be greeted by a new atmosphere in Oneroa – rather cheerfully branded as Vibes in the Village.

Music, face-painting, later opening hours, sales, special offers at stores, cafes and restaurants… you name it, the retailers and hospitality brigade from the village have all jumped on board in an effort to create a holiday feeling for what’s traditionally the start of the summer season.

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